Blue whales are making big comeback

Blue whales are making big comeback

Blue whales are making big comeback as fisherman, whale watchers, and scientists have all noted the population rebounding over the years. Blue whales, the largest creatures ever to live on Planet Earth, are making a comeback off the coast of California. The blue whale???s enormous size made it an enormous target for whalers during the […]
Hexacopter??? soars high above killer whales to study their fitness

Hexacopter soars high above killer whales to study their fitness

Hexacopter soars high above killer whales to study their fitness All Killer Whales in BC are all at risk (Threatened or Endangered) and by getting the images from on-high, it is possible to better determine if the whales are thin and even if they are pregnant. This provides vital data such as being able to […]
Whale Sightings Increase Around NY Waters.

Whale Sightings Increase Around NY Waters

After cleaning the Hudson River, which spills into New York harbor, marine biologists report increased sightings of whales and sharks around the Big Apple???s waters. The cleaner waters now harbor more fish and nutrients, which in turn has led to a surge in numbers. Dolphins and seals are also on the rise. The Hudson River […]
Bundaberg Junior Whale Whisperers

New wave of Bundaberg Junior Whale Whisperers

FIFTY students from St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School will soon become accredited Junior Whale Whisperers, after a special visit from a Hervey Bay Whale Expert and lovable mascot, Harvey the Humpback Whale. Following the success of the inaugural Junior Whale Whisperers Program last year, more than 350 young marine life enthusiasts from eight schools across […]
Cuvier beaked whale

Cuvier beaked whale dove deeper stayed longer than anything in the ocean

Cuvier beaked whale dove deeper stayed longer as Scientists have recently revealed the true champion of the deep. The record shows the Cuvier beaked whale knows its stuff. The shy, elusive, marine mammals were tracked off southern California with the help of satellite tags that transmit when the whales are at the surface, providing accurate […]
Ecuadorian coast with more security for tourists La informaci??n y el contenido multimedia, publicados por la Agencia de Noticias Andes, son de car??cter p??blico, libre y gratuito. Pueden ser reproducidos con la obligatoriedad de citar la fuente.

Ecuador issues regulation watching whales

The Government of Ecuador issues regulation watching whales and dolphins that sets standards for tourism activities related to the observation of cetaceans that occur in the territorial sea, in the country where the season begins in the second half of June and ends in September. This activity generates annual touristic visits from 80,000 to 100,000 […]
Humpback whale gets dog???s attention

Whale gets dogs attention

Surprise! Humpback whale gets dogs attention as it emerges from water incredibly close to California shoreline to feed on anchovies This is the moment a huge Humpback whale gets dogs attention as it emerged from water close to the California coastline to say hello which seemed to startle a passing dog. The amazing image was […]
Amazed Diver Swims With Mother Whale and Calf

Diver Swims Mother Whale Calf

Diver Swims Mother Whale Calf During a recent voyage along South America’s eastern coast, Justin Hofman was surprised to get close-up footage of an unfazed mother whale and her newborn calf. This is a unique video worth watching. Amazed Diver Swims With Mother Whale and Calf. Diver Swims Mother Whale Calf Hofman is the undersea […]
Don't Kill Whales for Oil

Petition: Don’t Kill Whales for Oil

Obama: Don’t Kill Whales for Oil Imagine a Big Oil and Gas company has moved into your neighborhood. They’re looking for oil using seismic surveys — firing off a deafening airgun every 10 seconds for weeks on end. It’s louder than a jet engine, causes deafness, injury or death, and the government is allowing the […]

Seafaring Dog Follows Elusive Whale Trail

Seafaring Dog Follows Elusive Whale Trail To humans, the whales’ waste is nearly undetectable, but not to Tucker. “He can smell whale breath,” Ms. Seely says, as Tucker paces the deck. Sure enough, as their craft motors through the waves, the humans hear the whooomp, whooomp, whooomp of whale lungs discharging air. Soon Tucker goes […]
Profit From Oil or Protect Whales - Dolphins? Canary Islands

Profit From Oil or Protect Whales – Dolphins? Canary Islands

Profit From Oil or Protect Whales – Dolphins? Canary Islands, It???s Your Choice The Canary Islands are central to the ongoing marine wildlife debate. The Spanish archipelago consisting of 17 Spanish independent communities off the northwest coast of Africa is home to two high-profile captivity stories involving killer whales. Now the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), […]
Whale Lifts Kayak Out of Water

Whale Lifts Kayak Out of Water

Whale Lifts Kayak. ??While kayaking off the coast of Argentina, a father and daughter get the surprise–and footage–of a lifetime when two enormous Right whales emerge out of the water before them. With the camera still rolling, the whales move to a collision course with the kayak. Within seconds, one of the whales descends, and […]